Thursday 16 May 2024

 What a busy week we have had in Foundation with visitors and lots of learning taking place as usual. The children always like visitors in the setting and enjoy talking and sharing what they have been doing. They were all very polite and were able to articulate their learning. 

This week we have planted, made timelines, mixed potions and enjoyed playing in our new camping Summer area. We have a tent, BBQ and picnic table for them to use in role play. It is a joy to observe. I hope you all have a great weekend.

Mrs Robinson๐Ÿ˜

As promised a blast from the past. My poor dogs, what was I thinking!

Friday 10 May 2024

 Finally the sun has arrived and it has definitely made us all feel a lot better. This week we have been planting outside and the children are going to nurture them over the next few weeks and observe their growth. We have been learning about the rainforest and the children have learnt many interesting facts. I am sure if you ask them they will be able to tell you about how people live in the rainforest.

The children have been singing lots of counting songs and one of our favourites is Alice the camel. This reminded us of many videos we made during lock down. We shared them with the children who were very entertained. I have uploaded a couple for you to enjoy. I think Myself and Mrs Sheehan should stick to our day jobs!

I have started to develop our season area and have put up a tent and made a fire pit. If you have any old camping chairs or anything that we could use in the area we would greatly appreciate it if your throwing it out. Recycling is our aim.

Please make sure your child has a sun hat clearly labelled and sun cream on in the mornings if necessary.

Have a great weekend 

Mrs Robinson⛺⛺

Friday 3 May 2024

Chick chick chicken

We were very lucky this week to have some visitors from Charlie's house. We had chick in the setting and the children loved to hear about how to look after them. A big thanks to Charlie's mum for giving up her time to bring them in for us to see.

 We have introduced a new area outside which the children have been using. We have observed their ability to negotiate and turn take whilst  managing to develop imagination during play. I am a bit concerned about all the snakes and crocodiles they seem to find whilst on safari. I hope none of them come for a visit!

As a result of  this area we have had lots of writing which has been initiated by the children. I have displayed this on the wall outside for you to see.

 Thank you to those who have donated plants this week, we are hoping to get a few more to put into the garden so if you have anything in your garden that is overgrown please sent it this way.

Can I please remind you about school uniform as it appears there is some confusion with children not wearing the correct uniform in school. Mrs Custis wrote on her blog last week to remind parents what the children can wear. I have also copied a list from our school website as a reminder.

Navy tracksuit with school crest

Polo shirt with school crest

White, or grey socks

Formal, non-casual, waterproof black shoes (not sneakers or canvas shoes)

Optional for Summer* – Navy blue and white checked school dress and grey short trousers.

Grey skirts are for year 1 onwards and not foundation.

 I would like to remind you that trainers are not part of school uniform. Please ensure that your child is wearing suitable footwear for school and that means shoes which are waterproof, formal and black.

We are looking forward to a long weekend and hope you all have a good one.

Mrs Robinson๐Ÿ‘

Friday 26 April 2024

 Hello all,

This week we have celebrated The World Earth Day.  Through stories, videos and information books we have been learning how to look after our planet. Following this theme, we are working with the children on developing our garden area. We have already sown some seeds and are patiently waiting for them to grow.  We would greatly appreciate if you could donate a bag of soil or an established plant for your child to plant it our Foundation garden. 

Using books, we have learnt facts about our planet. We have identified water and land on the globe. We read and discussed ‘Somebody swallowed Stanley’ which is a book that develops children’s awareness of plastic pollution. We have also started learning about recycling.

The children were very excited about Tooth Fairy visit to our classroom. They have been writing notes and we have discussed the ideas and the vocabulary that the children might want to include. Many children wrote letters to the Tooth Fairy during child initiated play. 

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Mrs Robinson ๐Ÿ‘€

Friday 19 April 2024


Welcome back. It was lovely to see the children so full of enthusiasm to be back in the setting with all their friends.  We have been talking about relationships and how we look after and care for each other as we have some new children that have started in nursery. All the children have made a brilliant effort at welcoming  and sharing their space with them. 

Over the year we often have visitors that come into the setting at night such as Tinkerbell, Jack Frost and the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk. The children were very keen to invite another character in at night time. As we have been learning about oral health this week we decided to invite the tooth fairy. We will be responding to the tooth fairy with correspondence in the mornings. We will leave evidence around the room so that the children can become engaged creatively with the activities. We will be developing this further over the next couple of weeks.

As the weather begins to get warmer, hahahhaha please send your child in with a hat and sun cream if you feel they need it. We can always live in hope!

I hope you all have a great weekend, wood walks and stay and play sessions will commence from next week. We look forward to sharing learning with you.

Mrs Robinson:) ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Happy Easter

 Our Easter holidays have arrived and we are all ready for a relaxing break. I have updated the list for the stay and play session that will start again after the holidays. Please make sure you take a photo of the list on the door. We are going to start our wood walks on Wednesday 24th April and will continue having our walks on Wednesday mornings, weather permitting.

 We hope you all have a wonderful break, we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 16th April.

Mrs Robinson:)


Friday 22 March 2024


 This week we have changed our large role play area. We now have a Spring theme and the children have been engaged in activities relating to the season. We have learnt about new life and identified the names of baby animals. This will be a topic we will continue into the new term. 

After the holiday we are going to change our wood walk day to a Wednesday. I will put up a list of dates on the door for you to sign up to come. We will continue with our stay and play sessions on a Tuesday morning. I will notify you of the dates you can come in.


Have a good weekend.

Mrs Robinson:)

Friday 15 March 2024

 Hello all,

To mark the British Science week, we carried our different experiments in Foundation. On Monday, we  placed flowers in the coloured water to learn about the function of the stem in plants and we planted cress.  On Tuesday, we explored magnetic and non-magnetic objects. We used magnets and metal objects to create movement on paper. On Wednesday we launched a rocket into Space which was super exciting! On Thursday we made  created a volcano to eruption. This week on Friday,  Nursery class took part in an interactive Science workshop. The children mixed different liquids to create colourful potions. We have explored dry ice and we all eagerly watched another exciting eruption of soda in the school playground. We know, that all of it was done not by magic but by scientific discoveries. We are all inspired by our latest science experiences and and we are keen to learn more.

Have a great weekend!

Foundation team