Friday 26 April 2019

Welcome back to a very short week. The children were very keen to be back and it has been a pleasure to watch  them fit back into their routines and relationships. We have decided to change our fruit and milk system and we now have a cafĂ©. The children take it in turns to be shopkeepers who take money for the fruit and milk and then serve the children. At the end of the day we  have 2 accountants that count the money and record the amount then and take the money to the banker who writes out a receipt. This is a brilliant way to engage the children with money and allows them to practise using it  in a purposeful way. When we discussed money with the children and asked them how we pay for things they all said with a card. We sometimes forget that children don't often come into contact with cash so this activity will give them a hands on experience in a fun way.
Next week we would like to continue with our wood walk. Please come along if you can spare the time. I hope that the weather continues to improve and the children can enjoy the outside without coats.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Robinson:)


Thursday 4 April 2019

We started our week watching a performance by the year 3, 4 and 5 children called Rock Bottom. Our children decided to make their own production in the unit. We had a stage and the children made tickets for the audience. I'm not quite sure what the show was about and we did have 50 main characters but they all worked together and had lots of fun. Miss Chandler made a puppet theatre for the children and they created another production for their friends. I think that the West End could maybe see a few of our children in the future.

  •  The children are allowed to wear Summer uniform after Easter. Please make sure this is all labelled.
  • We will be going to the woods every Monday so please come along if you can spare the time.
  • We are hoping for some good weather in the Summer term, therefore please remember to apply sun cream on your child before school. Most sun creams protect skin for more than 6 hours, however if you would like the cream to be reapplied at school, you need to give us a written permission. The forms will be in the office after Easter. Please also provide a sun hat with your child's name on it.
I hope you have a wonderful Easter break and we look forward to seeing you On Wednesday 24th April.
Mrs Robinson:)