Friday 19 July 2024


 We have finally arrived at the end of the year. What a great year we have all had.

We look forward to welcoming those families back in September who will be joining us in Reception and we wish all the other children good luck in their new schools. 

Thank you for our wonderful gifts they are greatly appreciated.

We hope you have a safe Summer.

I am going for a swim.🏊

Friday 12 July 2024

 This week we have been discussing transition and have welcomed new families into the setting. It is always a strange time of the year with lots of changes happening. We are confident that all our children will transition well as we have spent lots of time with our new teachers. We do not discuss too much with the children as September is such a long time away and we want the children to enjoy each day at a time.

There will be no stay and play sessions next week.

We look forward to an exciting fun afternoon which has got all the children buzzing. 

 I hope you all have a great weekend.

Mrs Robinson.

Friday 5 July 2024

 It has been a strange week in Foundation as I have been out for a couple of days doing some training. It feels like I have missed so much, on my return the children were excited to share with me all their learning from the week.

 It was lovely to see you all at our parent consultations and I hope that you found the meeting informative. I will be giving you the children's learning journals next week for you to keep. I have included their reports for the year which will be inside the books.

I'm sure you have noticed we have some new equipment in our outdoor area. The children use the wooden planks, logs and crates to create an obstacle course. This gives them an opportunity to work as a part of the team, to communicate with each other, to solve problems, to take risk and to be creative. Amazing learning while having fun!

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Robinson

Thursday 27 June 2024


 By popular demand I have attached the footage from the BBC news about Brodie the dinosaur. The children were amazed that the police had been to visit and he had been spotted in the grounds. The children are aware that the dinosaur is very friendly so they are not frightened by all the activity. It has sparked so much learning that it is hard to record it all. The amount of language and communication that has taken place is incredible, we are now trying to move onto another adventure but who knows, he may return!

We have also been very fortunate that the community police officers came for a visit and talked to the children about safety. They also played along with our current story.

Please continue to send your child in with a hat and sun cream if you feel they need it.

I hope you all have a great weekend.


Friday 21 June 2024

 What a busy week it has been. The children enjoyed the sunshine and lots of outdoor learning. We have been observing the dinosaur egg all week and today when we arrived at school it had escaped from the tank. The children have made posters and put them around the school to see if anyone has seen a dinosaur on the loose. If you happen to see our dinosaur in Potters Bar over the weekend please let me know. His name is Brodie.

The children have been using their investigation skills to find clues as to what happened. Brodie made a huge mess in the unit and escaped out of the window. He left footprints and lots of dinosaur poo on the floor. Mr Rudy is going to clear it all up later on in the day. At the moment we have put some crime scene tape around the incident.

Onto a lighter note is was good to see so many parents at sports day. Even though they all were crying at the end we believe that they enjoyed the activities. It always upsets young children when there is a change in routine. When we had finished they all sat in the air conditioned room with an apple and a drink. Peace was restored quite quickly.

I am sure that social media has displayed the teachers performance on talent night this week. I look forward to seeing the nursery children in a few years time on the stage joining in. The children in the school were confident as they performed.  It was a very successful event.

I hope you have a great weekend.

Mrs RRRRRRRoar binson 

Friday 14 June 2024


This week the children have been investigating some bones and an egg that we have found outside in our garden. We have put the egg in a box so that we can observe it hatching. We are not sure what is inside but the children have spent the week investigating what and where they have came from. We have used books to research what could be inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday is our sports day. The children will be in groups with their siblings and other children throughout the school. When you arrive you will be able to join your child's group as they do activities. Each group has a member of staff with them so please be reassured that your child will be ok. We will congregate on the school field so find your child and join in. We are hoping for nice weather so fingers crossed. The children can come to school wearing their own sports clothes.

On Wednesday  we are looking forward to welcoming our new families into our school community. It will be strange that your children will become the older ones as they join reception. We are very lucky at Little Heath as we have no transition issues as the only changes for your children will be that they will only be sitting on a different carpet. Sometimes children get upset at the thought of transitioning to another class so we do encourage you to not build up this situation for them. As far as they are concerned they will be coming to us in the same way, we will just have some new children to play with. Please speak to me if you have any concerns about any issues in relation to this.

Have  good weekend

Mrs R:)

Friday 7 June 2024


 This week we have been creating art work for the school corridors. We have been looking at the natural world and decided to create an underwater display. The children have made a huge whale, jellyfish, fish and many other underwater creatures. I have uploaded another lockdown video I made about under the sea. 

The children are enjoying looking after our plants, especially the strawberries. The large strawberry has
been nibbled and the children have been investigating to find out what or who did it.
I cant believe we are coming towards the end of the school year with lots of changes coming up. To support transitions into year 1 Mrs Flatley will be spending time each week working with the children in our foundation unit. This is a good opportunity for her to see the children and how they learn in the EYFS environment so that she can create a smooth transition for the children into year 1.
I hope you all have a good weekend.
Mrs Robinson:)


Friday 24 May 2024

 Another busy week in foundation with lots of learning taking place. We are always looking to extend learning and development and have decided to create a cycle track on our side garden. This is in the planning stage but unfortunately I am very impatient so I have created a temporary one so that the children can have a go. They were amazing whizzing around the track so we look forward to its development over the next few weeks.

 Its that time of year when we start to think about transition and we are now putting things in place to support the children through this. Mrs Flatley will be spending time in the unit with the reception children until the end of term. This helps the children get to know her and visa versa. We will also be visiting our new children in their settings and inviting them to come and play. If you have any questions about transition please ask myself or Mrs Sheehan.

A text was sent out last week about trainers and this has also been in previous blogs and the newsletter. Trainers are not part of Little Heath uniform and should not be worn to school. Please ensure your child has the correct footwear on. If you are unsure please see the website or my previous blog for a full uniform list.

I hope you all have an amazing break and lets hope the sun comes out. 

Mrs Robinson:)

                                       Thomas the toad came to visit

                                       Parents came for stay and play

Thursday 16 May 2024

 What a busy week we have had in Foundation with visitors and lots of learning taking place as usual. The children always like visitors in the setting and enjoy talking and sharing what they have been doing. They were all very polite and were able to articulate their learning. 

This week we have planted, made timelines, mixed potions and enjoyed playing in our new camping Summer area. We have a tent, BBQ and picnic table for them to use in role play. It is a joy to observe. I hope you all have a great weekend.

Mrs Robinson😁

As promised a blast from the past. My poor dogs, what was I thinking!

Friday 10 May 2024

 Finally the sun has arrived and it has definitely made us all feel a lot better. This week we have been planting outside and the children are going to nurture them over the next few weeks and observe their growth. We have been learning about the rainforest and the children have learnt many interesting facts. I am sure if you ask them they will be able to tell you about how people live in the rainforest.

The children have been singing lots of counting songs and one of our favourites is Alice the camel. This reminded us of many videos we made during lock down. We shared them with the children who were very entertained. I have uploaded a couple for you to enjoy. I think Myself and Mrs Sheehan should stick to our day jobs!

I have started to develop our season area and have put up a tent and made a fire pit. If you have any old camping chairs or anything that we could use in the area we would greatly appreciate it if your throwing it out. Recycling is our aim.

Please make sure your child has a sun hat clearly labelled and sun cream on in the mornings if necessary.

Have a great weekend 

Mrs Robinson⛺⛺

Friday 3 May 2024

Chick chick chicken

We were very lucky this week to have some visitors from Charlie's house. We had chick in the setting and the children loved to hear about how to look after them. A big thanks to Charlie's mum for giving up her time to bring them in for us to see.

 We have introduced a new area outside which the children have been using. We have observed their ability to negotiate and turn take whilst  managing to develop imagination during play. I am a bit concerned about all the snakes and crocodiles they seem to find whilst on safari. I hope none of them come for a visit!

As a result of  this area we have had lots of writing which has been initiated by the children. I have displayed this on the wall outside for you to see.

 Thank you to those who have donated plants this week, we are hoping to get a few more to put into the garden so if you have anything in your garden that is overgrown please sent it this way.

Can I please remind you about school uniform as it appears there is some confusion with children not wearing the correct uniform in school. Mrs Custis wrote on her blog last week to remind parents what the children can wear. I have also copied a list from our school website as a reminder.

Navy tracksuit with school crest

Polo shirt with school crest

White, or grey socks

Formal, non-casual, waterproof black shoes (not sneakers or canvas shoes)

Optional for Summer* – Navy blue and white checked school dress and grey short trousers.

Grey skirts are for year 1 onwards and not foundation.

 I would like to remind you that trainers are not part of school uniform. Please ensure that your child is wearing suitable footwear for school and that means shoes which are waterproof, formal and black.

We are looking forward to a long weekend and hope you all have a good one.

Mrs Robinson👍