Friday, 10 January 2025

Happy New Year

  Welcome back. It was so lovely to see the children this week full of enthusiasm and happy to be back. They have settled straight into their learning and have spent lots of time playing and learning with their friends. It is always at this time of year when we start to see the children blossom and really understand how to access learning in the unit. Their communications and language skills have developed and their ability to 'have a go' has become a natural thing for them to do with confidence. 

It has been very cold this week, but it has not stopped us been outside. the children have continued to use the outside environment for learning. Unfortunately, this has meant that they have been a little wet. Please be reassured that we will change the children if they get very wet.

 Next week we will carry out a number of experiments related to changes in temperature. 

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Mrs Robinson:) 

This weeks photo's were taken by the children.