Friday 17 May 2019

Mrs Robinson is on a school trip with year 5 so I am writing the blog this week.
Over the week we have been continuing the story of Jack and the Bean Stalk.
The children came in on Monday and found that the Bean Stalk had started to grow.
They were very excited to see if it would grow tall enough to reach the giant. They have been busy drawing pictures of the Bean Stalk and have stuck them next to it. When the Bean Stalk reached the roof we wrote a letter to the Giant asking him to come and be our friend. He replied he would love to be friends but was too big for our land.  At story time we read the story and used puppets. Then the children became the characters including a narrator.
When Mrs Robinson is back next week we will carry on the story and show her the letter from the giant!

On Friday we watched Reception class performing during their assembly. The children were excited to see their friends on the stage.
A couple of notes to finish off:
As the weather is getting warmer and the children will be taking off their jumpers and cardigans off please remember to name all clothing.
We are running low on spare clothes (especially girls underwear.) Please can you return items to school.
Thank you for the named hats and sun cream provided so far.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Howe

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