Friday, 28 June 2019

What a busy week we have had in Foundation. We had our sports day which the children really enjoyed. They have been practising some of the activities during their PE lessons and I think one of the favourites was the skateboard swimming. I was surprised how easily they managed to pull themselves along at some speed especially when Mr Mills was shooting them with water.
We have also had our induction evening for our new families. It always makes me a little sad at this event as it make me realise that our older children will be moving on. Having the children for 2 years has really allowed us to see them grow and develop and I know that they are going to have a fantastic time in year 1. Our transition process has allowed Miss Davis to spend time with us each week in the unit so that she can see what the children do and how they interact with each other. Miss Davis has also been observing them during carpet time with Mrs Sheehan. They are all excited about moving into year 1 and are ready and raring to go.
On Tuesday 2nd July we are going to have a picnic in the garden. You are all welcome to come along at 2.15pm. Please do not bring along any food for the children as we will be making things for them to eat in school.
This weekend is our summer festival. I hope to see lots of you there. Sun hats and cream are a definite as I think its going to be a very hot one!

Have a great weekend
Mrs Robinson

Friday, 21 June 2019

It has been a strange week this week as I have been on the main gate in the mornings as Mrs Custis has been with year 6 to the Isle of Wight. What I really liked was that all the foundation children said good morning to me as they happily skipped down to the unit. At this time of year we are writing reports and reflecting on the children's learning and maturity. We are always overwhelmed at how much they have changed which we noticed when we looked at photographs of them at the beginning of the year. They are all telling me that they are going in year 1 as if it is tomorrow. I always reply "not Yet" as we still have lots more learning to do.
I am sorry I had to cancel the trip but the coach cost was very high and then the entrance fee on top would have made it a very expensive day so we have decided to have a picnic in the grounds, weather permitting. This will be held on the same day in the afternoon so you are all welcome to join us.
The children will be making their own food so please do not bring anything in for them. This also eliminates any risk for children with food allergies.
Next week we are having our sports day, weather permitting. I hear it may be a hot one so please make sure your child has a sun hat and sun cream on. You are welcome to come and support your child during the morning. The children are grouped with 2 children from each year group to do the activities. You can follow your child's group around and cheer them on. We organise the groups in the main sports hall then bring them into the playground. If you wait in that area you will see your child's group which you can then follow. It sounds complicated but it generally runs smoothly. If you cant find your child's group find me and I will point you in the right direction.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Mrs Robinson.

We have spent some time in our new wildlife area so I have put a few photographs for you to see.

Friday, 14 June 2019

We have been looking at minibeasts this week and  the life cycle of the butterfly.  The children are very good at caring for our wildlife and know that they must return them to nature when they pick them up. Worms and snails seem to be their favourite this week because of the weather.
Hopefully next week will be brighter and bring new wildlife to our garden.
On Tuesday we went to see Mary Poppins which was fantastic. Our children behaved incredibly well and Manor Lodge also commented on how well they sat. Since then we have been singing all the favourites from the show. They struggled with Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious but their version were far better.
We will try and go to the woods next week so please come along if you get the chance.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Robinson:)

Friday, 7 June 2019

It was wonderful to have the children back and full of energy.  They were all so happy to see each other and got straight back into their routines. We are happy to say that we have no giants and no dinosaurs visiting us any more. I think they have all gone to sunnier places.
This week the children noticed a bee's nest in our side garden. We have monitored and watched the bees going in and out and this has prompted lots of discussion. We are going to be focusing on bees next week and we are going to be tasting honey. The children have spent a lot of time outside and on Thursday they crested an amazing water way using pipes. It was an brilliant piece of engineering.
This weekend is the Potters Bar Carnival and I will be there with Mrs Custis. We hope to see some of you along the way if you are not joining in.
 If you have not already replied about our trip can you do so ASAP as I need to find out numbers.
Have a great weekend, I think the weather is going to be poor so wrap up.
I have sent home a letter asking for the children to create a diary of a day at home. The letter explains what we would like you to do. Please return these next week so that we can stick them in their Learning Journals.

Mrs Robinson