Friday, 6 December 2019

We are really in the swing with our concert rehearsals now and the children are looking forward to performing to you  next week. Please do not worry if your child suddenly decides they are not going to sing when they get on the stage or if they get upset. This is completely normal and often happens. Hopefully they will all prove me wrong.
We have started to wrap present up with Christmas wrapping paper and this has got everyone very excited. Next week we will be decorating the unit for our final 2 weeks. Here is a reminder for next week as things are a little different. Please adjust your hours if you wish your child to be involved in all the performances but it is completely ok if you want to keep the hours the same.
Have a good weekend.
Mrs Robinson:)
Week commencing 9th December
This week the children will be performing:
·       Monday to the school
·       Tuesday to parents (AM)
·       Wednesday to parents (PM)
·       Thursday to parents (AM)
The children will need to wear Christmas colours all week.     Friday is Christmas jumper day so no uniform all week.
     We will endeavour to keep them clean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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