Friday, 27 November 2020

 Hello all,

This week we have been looking at the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

We have planted some magic beans and watered them with magic water. We watched the beanstalk grow all the way up to the ceiling.

The giant sent letters down the beanstalk asking us to draw him some pictures.

We wrote back asking for some gold coins which we then counted.

We looked at how the beanstalk grew and measured ourselves with the meter ruler to see how tall we were.

The children listened to Jack and the Beanstalk story and joined in with singing the songs.

 Friday the 4th of Dec is non-uniform day in exchange for an item for the Christmas hamper.

Have a lovely weekend.

From the Foundation team.

Friday, 20 November 2020

 This week  in nursery the children have been learning about Diwali and Kashi has shared with us all the exciting things she did at the weekend to celebrate the festival of light. We have made Rangoli patterns and painted divas which the children took home. We have also started to create pictures of ourselves which we will reflect upon later in the year.

As you are aware we have sent home logins for our learning platform incase we go into full lockdown. It is really important that you attempt to login to this system so please speak to me if you are having difficulties with passwords.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Mrs Robinson

Friday, 13 November 2020

A great week was had by all, with this unusually mild November weather letting us make the most of the outdoors.

The events of this week have had an influence our learning. Remembrance Day was an opportunity for us to talk about our families and important people in our lives.  We also experimented with paints and tissue paper to create some wonderful Poppy artwork.  Children in Need also allowed us to reflect on the things we are grateful for. It was lovely to see everyone covered in spots today, your generous donations are greatly appreciated for a very worthy cause. 

So, this will be the last blog I write for you.  On the one hand I am sad that my time here has come to an end, but on the other, I am delighted that Mrs Robinson will be here in my place.  She is very much looking forward to taking back the reigns and I know your children will flourish under her guidance. 

A big thank you to all your wonderful children for making my time here in Nursery so enjoyable.  I have loved seeing them develop from day one, it always amazes me much they grow in a short space of time. I will miss them all greatly.


Mr da Rocha

Friday, 6 November 2020

Everyone has returned from the half term break recharged and eager to learn and we have had a fun week in Nursery. The new ‘Hospital’ here has given the children a new opportunity to explore and learn.  There have been doctors, nurses and surgeons, keen to check heartbeats and temperatures and help their patients with medicine.

Being Bonfire Night this week, the children have had a go at making some of their own firework inspired artwork.  I have included some of the pieces in the photos below.  I wonder if your child could tell you how they made them? (If they can’t quite remember, remind them that they used some marbles, paint and a tray!)

Our supply of spare uniform seems to have dwindled a bit recently. There are occasions where we have sent your child home in spare school uniform.  If this does happen, could we ask that you please wash and return those items of clothing as we do rely on having spares here in the unit.

In accordance with the DfE, we are ensuring that our online learning platform in in place and working for everyone.  Your child has been sent home with a Microsoft Teams login to try out.  Please ensure the login is working and if there are any issue please email me.  We want your child’s learning to continue if we are forced to shut the school due to COVID19, and using this platform will allow us to do this.

Thank you for sending in the learning journals with your half-term activities.  The children had a chance to share with the class what they did, which we all thoroughly enjoyed.  Pumpkins and face paint were a common theme it seems, along with some fantastic looking costumes to celebrate Halloween.  Thank you again for sharing these with us, it was lovely to see the children outside the school environment.

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday (which, as it stands, will be my last week).

Mr da Rocha