Friday 17 September 2021

  This week the children have enjoyed the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We have been singing songs and sequencing the story. The children were also able to create an alternative ending to the story which was far more sinister than the original. We have had a mixed bag of weather this week and I am sure you are now realising that the children will get dirty.  We always change the children if they are wet and we do teach them to not be frightened of getting dirty. If they are dirty it normally means they have had a good time. The sun is now shinning and it feels like Summer is still with us. We have been observing the children during the past 2 weeks and have noticed how well they are interacting with each other and settling into their new routines and environment. They have learnt so much all ready and it is wonderful to see the changes to their emotional behaviour as they become confident with each other.

Please do not hesitate to talk to me if you have any concerns or if you would rather you can email me at


Could you please send in any recyclable boxes and pots as the children can use them to make models.

Could you please return your child's learning journal ASAP so that we can start to collate their observations.

Next week the children are going to continue with Little Red Riding Hood but we will also be starting to learn about the Three Little Pigs.

On the 24th of September the children will have their individual photographs taken. 

We will also celebrate Spanish Day at school on the 24th  September. The Foundation stage children will be learning the Flamenco dance and will learn to sing' Hello' song in different languages.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Robinson:)

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