Friday 9 September 2022


 Welcome to our class blog. Please try and get into the habit of looking at the nursery and reception blogs each week. We will be providing you with information about what we have been doing in foundation and also what we will be doing the following week. 

The children have settled extremely well into their new routines and they are beginning to connect to other children in the setting. We have spent lots of time establishing routines and supporting the children with their social interactions. We have enjoyed singing songs and have learnt to clap all our friends names.

The children have enjoyed playing outside and I think the sandpit has been a great hit. I hope you have all managed to get through the day without them as we are aware how hard it can be for parents as well. Please speak to me if you have any concerns or question and I will be happy to help if I can.


Please can you make sure that ALL your child's clothing including shoes are labelled.

Lunch boxes and drink bottles need labelling as some children have the same.

If you have ordered a school meal could you please inform me if you have sent a packed lunch as well as this causes confusion for the children. 

Next week we are going to be exploring our outside environment and we are going to create some art for the school display. We are also going to be having PE for the first time with Mr Mills.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Mrs Robinson 😊

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