Friday, 3 November 2023

This week the children have been looking at shape in their environment. We have played lots of games that have helped the children identify shapes and we have looked at the shapes that they can see around them. Please can you support your child at home by looking around the house and when you are out. It is amazing what they notice when they focus on specific things.

 We have started to talk and look at vegetables that grow in the ground. We looked at how they grow and what they look like when they are taken out of the ground. We are going to be focusing on the story of the Enormous Turnip. We will end the week with the children making vegetable soup.

  In Foundation we often read a story called Vegetable Glue by Susan Chandler. It is really funny story about the benefits of eating vegetables and a must read for anyone who is having problems getting their children to eat.

I hope you are all looking forward to bonfire night this weekend. I hope to see some of you on Saturday night.

Be safe

Mrs Robinson:)🔥


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