Saturday 14 September 2024


What a fantastic start we have had in nursery this week. The children have settled well and have enjoyed all the new experiences on offer in the setting. I hope it has not been too stressful for you all as I know how it feels to leave your child for the first time. Please be reassured that if your child is upset we will endeavour to sort it and comfort them. We will also contact you if they do not settle as we are happy for you to adjust their hours until they do.

Please can you make sure that jumpers, bottles and lunch boxes are clearly labelled with your child's name, as all the children wear the same jumpers and are not always the best at looking after their belongings at this age.

I have put some photographs on the blog to show you what we have been doing this week.

 We look forward to seeing you next week.
Mrs Robinson:)

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